Kenya. New Zealand. Singapore. Canada. Ireland. Sweden. Belgium. England. These are just a few of the countries that are represented at CrossRoads, Dave and Sue's inter-denominational church, in Ferney-Voltaire, France (www.crossroadschurch.fr). Sunday morning brought cold temperatures, but a chance to warm-up while worshipping with other Christians from around the world. The actual service was very similar to services at Salem Chapel back home, but what amazed me the most was the diversity of people and cultures present. We sang worship songs ranging from an a cappella version of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" to "Everlasting God" played with congo drums and guitars. I felt like I had experienced a small piece of what heaven must be like. I imagine that God was definitely smiling.
After church, Dave and Sue wanted to officially introduce me to the French dining experience, so we drove up into the "hills" (even though they looked like mountains to me....but hey, I guess if you are next door to the Alps, everything looks small!) to have a family-style lunch at Bois Joly in Crozet. I must admit that if it were not for Dave and Sue, I would have been totally lost. I recognized maybe two of the French words on the menu...so much for two semesters of college French! The food at Bois Joly was excellent and a fabulous re-introduction to French food.

Even though there are many English-speakers in the region (1/3 of Geneva's population is comprised of native English-speakers), it is definitely challenging to navigate life here not being able to speak and understand French. However, I am going to give it my best shot. I am refreshing myself on a few important phrases and think if I try really hard to look sophisticated as I speak, I might be able to pass as an actual French or Swiss native. No one will ever notice my Southern twang when I ask, "Pardon, où sont les toilettes?” Don't cha' think?
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